Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Rainy Day {personal}

Its a muddy, slosh-ey, rainy day on this little farm. And I'm still trying to figure out this whole "blog/website" thing. I'll have it all down  in no time (I hope?!), but for now I'll at least act like I know what I'm doing. Hello, I'm Country Strong, I can handle this! At least that's what Kristen says. ;)

So while I'm still getting this site under control, I'm gonna post something reeeeally random. Where I come from, we have lots of red dirt. Which, when it rains, turns into red mud. And then its a Really Big Mess that certainly makes doing chores a [sometimes wonderful] adventure. Especially when you think you just slid in the mud and you look down and realize you slipped in something else. And its all over your boot now. Um, thanks, black cow! That was a lovely gift you left there for me. ;) I didn't take a picture of that. This is just the mud, trust me.

And on top of slipping around in "cow pies",  its a potentially hazardous situation when this really angry guy is giving you the death stare through the barn window. He completely scares the living daylights outta me- in case you were wondering!

But he'll be a good lil' boy once he's been taken care of. And won't try to take my life anymore. At least I hope not? ;)

He might not try to take my life, but he wouldn't think twice about taking the life of little buddy Charlie. I have no idea what in creation he's doing carrying around a soaking wet paper towel, except that he loves making new friends and maybe this is the newest one? Um...its looks a little on the limp side, there's a possibility it passed out. I'd move on if I were you, Charlie. Just sayin'!

This new calf is one of Charlies "real live" friends, not a wet dead piece of paper. I'm totally not biased or anything but I'd feel safe saying this little girl is by far the cutest one this year! Oh wait, she's the only only one that's been born so far. ;) But, there's more coming. She'll have lots of buddies before she knows it!

(she doesn't like it when she thinks mom left her forever. "don't worry babe, mom is right there behind you!")

So. so. soooo much rain. 

 Too much mud.

Okay. These three goats and I, well, we have an intense love-hate relationship. That means, they love and adore me and I...kinda hate them 96.7% of the time. Imagine trying to carry a huge bucket of grain through their pen to get to the calf pen on the other side, so when you go to open this gate, here's what happens. They stick their blasted little heads through and push with every ounce of strength they can muster against me while I'm on the other side of the gate pushing against them with every ounce of strength I've got, in effort to get it open. And so the gate isn't going anywhere. Grrrreat. My Lovely Big Sister says I should be stronger then 3 goats but I just say I was slipping in the mud and couldn't get a firm footing. Seriously. But, after I do finally get the gate open because I am stronger then 3 goats (yeah Besh! I'm country strong, remember?! ), they decide that the "hay" on my head would be a much better treat and proceed to bite and pull out every hair they possibly can while I try to make the fastest possible exit before I go bald. I really do love my sister and her goats- except for these three. Bless their little hearts! ;)

Even though I don't get along with those three especially 'cause of the rain, I love how fresh and green its made everything. And I love how the sun comes bursting through the clouds after its been raining for a long time- kinda reminds me of how, no matter what difficult things or hardships we're going through, there's always reason for it even if we can't see it now, and God is always faithful and he will bring us through it, just like he brings the sunshine after the rain. :)

"Word of God speak
Would You pour down like rain
Washing my eyes to see
Your majesty
To be still and know
That You're in this place
Please let me stay and rest
In Your holiness"

Thank you God for Red Barns. [ignore the gate in the sky that got in the way of the camera.]  

 And THAT'S probably the random-est post anybody could ask for from a photographer. But hey, I needed to get something up on this lonely little place before I get some photo shoots posted. I didn't force anybody to read it. ;)

[It's not ugly anymore! You guys know who you are that will "get" that. ;)]



    great post. this is wonderfully random and lovely :)

  2. Looking good! It was so nice to get rain! It was funny, some of the perspectives in a few of these pictures had me baffled as to where they were taken! But I figured it out! Looking forward to seeing more on here! :D

  3. bahahaha yes I definitely got that. :D :D :D :D

    Cute post!! I love the randomness...because it's real. :)
