Saturday, July 9, 2011

Payton - 2011 Senior {Norman/Blanchard, OK Senior Photography

So. Let me clear something up real quick. The title says she's Payton, right? Well, I just did that to be proper cause that's her real name. But I NEVER call her that. So, in this post she'll be Petie. 'Cause that's what I call her...and so do about 91.5% of the people I know. ;) Okay. Got that? Good.

This shoot was way to much fun. And when you have a subject that is as amazing as Petie is..well, it can't get much better then that. I love this girl. She's so natural in front of the camera and does exactly what you tell her to- as long as you explain it well. ;)

Annnnnd, she's tons of fun to be around, loves to tease (which is a HUGE plus for me because teasing is my life. Well, part of it.), likes volleyball a whole lot (yeah. another reason why she's awesome! You have to love volleyball to be my friend. haha...juuuuust kidding.), loves to write, and is stunningly gorgeous on top of all that! We don't get to see each other a whole lot which is kinda sad- BUT!  I love people like Petie 'cause she's one of those friends that no matter how long we go without seeing each other, we always pick back up right where we left off and its like we've seen each other every day.  I love that. And I just love her. :)

I had suuuuch a hard time picking out what pictures to post. This girl was the perfect model. But there's somebody else that was beyond amazing. Petie's Mom. Oh. My. Word. If I could take her on every photoshoot with me, I would. Like, she's the-most-amazing-assistant ever. I can't even tell you how many times I was trying to explain to Petie what I wanted her to do, and I was explaining it in a not-very-understandable way and her mom would jump in there and explain juuuuust perfectly exactly what I was trying to say. And Pete would be like, "oh! like that!!". Yes. I love her mom. This shoot wouldn't have been the same without her. :)

we wrecked the tractor shortly after this pic. 'Cause we're wild like that. Juuust kidding. ;)

Oh and did I mention that she is amazing on the piano? Yeah, she is. I wanna play like her when I grow up.

I bet she owns 3582 books. Or something like that.

Congrats on graduating, Petie! Love ya! :)


  1. Beautiful job Corrie! And what a beautiful model, too :) I *LOVE* that white dress she's wearing! Just stunning.

  2. Wow!! These are really great! Payton always looks stunning in her pictures. Love the one of her and the piano along with many others!!! Your really talented Anna!

  3. Wow Anna, sounds like you're trying to get Petie a husband, too! If you get contacted by any interested parties, just send them to me.

  4. Haha Colton! I'll give her all the help I can ;) BUT I don't think she's gonna have any problem finding a guy- she's to good to pass up! Def will send them your way though! lol!

  5. Great shots Anna!! Just found your blog today...looks good!

  6. Hey Anna!

    I looked at several of your posts! I'm SO SO SO glad you FINALLY got a blog going! I L O V E your photography!

    Go Girl!


    Sarah Elisabeth (gilmore)

  7. Dude. Anyone else thinking that she looks just like Katie Holmes? Cause she so does! Love the field pictures and her long dress. :)
